

Second day of rehearsals

The second rehearsal of the end of the year party was developed with great enthusiasm in the facilities of the Foundation in the Lipaya neighbourhood,


Preparing for the closure

This week we began the preparations for the closing event for the year. All of the children and parents of the dining room are preparing


1st End of year party

We are all excited about the end of the year party; The first trial was a success. The commitment and dedication were evident throughout the


First training space for parents

The Parent School is a space that enables collective reflection contributing to the educational task that the family has. On this occasion, and with the


Art to educate environmentally

With the support of the Colombian Civil Defense, our group the Environmental Guardians of the Foundation held an art workshop with messages alluding to the


Football integration

Two groups, “Los Guerreros” and “Guardianes Ambientales” left for one of the city’s synthetic football pitches where they participated in a football competition, which apart


We commemorate world food day

During this week the cafeteria has been developing educational activities with the children around healthy eating as October 16 was proclaimed World Food Day by


Promoting healthy food habits

Healthy nutrition is important for the growth and development of children, therefore the School Room has been doing educational and playful activities to teach the


Youth group alfabetiza for older adults

The youth group of the Foundation again developed and carried out excellent social work by initiating a literacy campaign for older adults, who for the

Shopping Basket