

Welcome to the school dining room!

We have inaugurated the school dining room in Soledad, Atlántico! In the presence of the children and their parents, we held an opening event to


Birthday celebrations

In this date we distinguished our children who turned years during the month of May, the group of sailors made an exhibition of their work


Thank you GLENCORE

Thank you GLENCORE for your support in the construction of dreams in Colombia, specially from the children of the foundation Mi ciudad con vida, who


Stimulating my brain

Through playful pedagogical activities, the youth group stimulates its executive functions, fundamental in the processes of leadership and empathy, main axes for the construction of


Mothers day

Mothers deserve the best for their great work. The family of Fundación Mi Ciudad Con Vida celebrated the day for our mothers in a great


Children’s day

In the 2001 through the law 724 of December 27, the Congress of the Republic of Colombia institutionalized the celebration of the Children and recreation


Earth day

We celebrated Earth day to remember that the planet and its ecosystems give us life and sustenance, as the Rio Declaration of 1992 reminded us,


My boat and the sea

Building lifestyles and stimulating creative potential through playful pedagogical strategies is the main objective for the group of Sailors. On this day they carried out

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