

Visit by our Director

As a gesture of commitment and solidarity, our director (Nury Buendía) made an official visit to the Foundation. The visit aimed to explore new forms


The visits to entrepreneurial families begin

“Familias Productivas e Incluyentes” is a real opportunity for vulnerable families to transform their lives through entrepreneurship. That’s why we start with reconnaissance visits to


Morning of smiles and lots of learning

With the enthusiastic participation of children and youth, our workshop facilitators developed a series of activities designed to promote skills such as leadership, communication, and


Working in community

Our youth group of Community Leaders met with the Community Action Board of the Lipaya neighborhood to co-create and identify the opportunities, strengths, threats, and


Week of reflection

At the Soledad headquarters, we carried out various activities focused on International Men’s Day. We worked with both male and female beneficiaries on positive male


Building our action plan.

With recreational, artistic, and sports activities, we have begun the skills assessment process among our beneficiaries. This will enable us to provide community services that

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