Recognizing our environmentNMENT
On this day our Environmental Guardians socialized in each of the groups the main themes highlighted in the day of World Water Day, organized their proposals and justified through a creative billboard.
On this day our Environmental Guardians socialized in each of the groups the main themes highlighted in the day of World Water Day, organized their proposals and justified through a creative billboard.
The celebration of this year focuses in exploring how mother nature can help us to overcome challenges posed by water in the 21st century. The environmental problems with the climate change provoque the associated crisis to the hidric sources that happen ...
Self-control is the ability to master one's own emotions, thoughts, behaviors, desires, ability to control oneself and manage my body. On this day through a practical workshop on emotion management and breathing.
The foundation Mi ciudad con vida welcomes to every single beneficiary in 2018 with the presentation of the results of 2017 and the proposals for 2018. Every group was set up by their workshop with which they shared experiences during the holiday period. ...
In the 2018 the doors of the foundation are opened to our families, recharged with energy and purposes for this new year. In the initial meeting the working team is presented with projects for 2018, the action plan, the work schedule, suggestions, propos ...
La Fundación Mi Ciudad con Vida, creada en el año 2000, es una organización privada e independiente, sin ánimo de lucro. Colombia es un país asolado por la violencia. La crisis social, económica y política se traduce en un nivel muy alto de pobreza extrema . Los niños y los jóvenes son los más afectados por este fenómeno.
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