Exploring Emotions
Every Saturday, upon arrival, our children from the Travelers group engage in an exciting and fun activity to recognize their emotions. Guided by our facilitators,
Every Saturday, upon arrival, our children from the Travelers group engage in an exciting and fun activity to recognize their emotions. Guided by our facilitators,
From the educational articulation program, periodic visits are made to educational institutions to verify the attendance of all beneficiaries, contributing to the reduction of school
This week at the Soledad headquarters, we wanted to highlight the work of the mothers in the social volunteering program with a facial cleansing session,
This week in our nutritional workshop for parents, we learned preservation methods for fruits. This is a food security strategy to reduce food waste and
This week, at the Lipaya site, we visited the schools of our beneficiaries to verify their attendance and identify potential risk factors that could lead
This Wednesday, on World Environment Day, the group “Guardianes Ambientales” carried out a successful beach cleaning day in Barranquilla. These young leaders participated enthusiastically, collecting
This weekend, the Foundation organized a successful comprehensive health day aimed at children and their families. During the event, medical and dental evaluations, as well
This week, the psychosocial support program initiates training processes for parents in partnership with the National Learning Service (SENA), aiming to promote social integration, empowerment,
This Saturday, the children from the “Healthy Life” group participated in a sports activity aimed at promoting essential values such as respect, tolerance, and teamwork.
The foundation Mi ciudad con vida, created in the 2000, is a private and independent nonprofit organization. Colombia is a country devastated by violence. The social, economic and political crisis translates into a very high index of extreme poverty. The children and the adolescents are the most affected by this phenomenon.
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