
Share to learn

Cooperative learning is an innovative and creative part of the school support where the real protagonists are the children and the teaching sheets allow us to leave the traditional schemes to become an attractive alternative when addressing school issues in everyday life. Cooperation and guided participation are necessary to achieve this aim.

Plantilla News

Great group dynamics

Energy, teamwork, integration and respect were the objectives set by the Foundation for the development of its activities. Using the game as an instrument, we achieved what was planned and each team gave their very best for the development of these activities. Congratulations to the guys. This is how a workshop is done!

Plantilla News

Take care of your environment

The Environmental Guardians of the Foundation helped the children create notices with messages alluding to the care of our environment, made entirely by the children who worked creatively with colors, paint and wooden boards. It was a day of camaraderie, delivery and teamwork. Good for the environmental guardians!


Healthy Mind

Every Saturday through mandalas and yoga, the workshop by the Eduterapia group of the Foundation performs a playful-pedagogical work to show the benefits a different style of life. Where the harmony of the inner world with the outside prevails; This practice brings children relaxation, creativity, balance and peace. Thus, each encounter becomes a significant experience to learn, share and work as a team.


Special visit of donors to the facilities of the Foundation

Donors visited the groups and the children shared their experiences since they joined the Foundation. They also learned about each of the projects. Our visitors said they were excited to see the love with which the entire team carries out the work. Hooray for the donors, workshop and logistics team.

Photograph: Outside Word on the Drive, in the folder of the venue and corresponding date.


Welcome 2019 wrok team

With great success, Mi Ciudad Con Vida Foundation started for the first time in 2019, developing play activities, reviewing projects, presentation and functions of the work team and preparation of the parent workshop among others; These initial activities were carried out by the whole team with great enthusiasm, willingness and commitment. Welcome 2019!


Spectacular closing show

The Foundation ended the work in 2018 with a great show, where children were the main protagonists of the event.

Attendees enjoyed a fantastic show, where each of the groups showed their talent for dance and dramatization. With unbridled joy and fabulous coordination the children dazzled and filled the donors, parents and special guests with pride, making this event a great success.