Nutritional workshops at the Soledad site
The school cafeteria is holding nutritional workshops twice a week, where families learn to prepare healthy recipes to prepare for children at home.
The school cafeteria is holding nutritional workshops twice a week, where families learn to prepare healthy recipes to prepare for children at home.
This week, Monica Vargas, the SENA Occupational Counsellor, accompanied us, who was sharing with the families and children of the higher education program, about the services that the public employment agency provides to the vulnerable population and all ...
We delivered materials for the home garden project to 14 beneficiary families in the Lipaya neighbourhood. Among these materials were 9 species of vegetable seeds, 1 germinator, 1 bag of sturdy, 1 bundle of compost and two sandbags for each family, who w ...
The Mi Ciudad Con Vida Foundation in partnership with New York bakery delivered 90 snacks to children's groups in Barranquilla and Soledad.
The psychosocial support program, in agreement with the Ministry of Health and Mired IPS, carries out a campaign to prevent sexually transmitted infections and early pregnancies.
Through various recreational activities, we addressed themes such as self-knowledge, self-concept and self-acceptance with the children and adolescents, as a strategy to strengthen the set of ideas, physical characteristics and beliefs that each of them ...
La Fundación Mi Ciudad con Vida, creada en el año 2000, es una organización privada e independiente, sin ánimo de lucro. Colombia es un país asolado por la violencia. La crisis social, económica y política se traduce en un nivel muy alto de pobreza extrema . Los niños y los jóvenes son los más afectados por este fenómeno.
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