
Youth group alfabetiza for older adults

The youth group of the Foundation again developed and carried out excellent social work by initiating a literacy campaign for older adults, who for the first time in their lives had someone to teach them how to recognize letters.

The enthusiasm of the adults who participated in the campaign was really exciting as they learned to trace their first letters and write their names. Congratulations to the youth group.


Welcome to the school dining room!

We have inaugurated the school dining room in Soledad, Atlántico! In the presence of the children and their parents, we held an opening event to welcome them to the great family FUNDACIÓN MI CIUDAD CON VIDA.

The next day the dining room opened it’s doors for the first time to receive the 60 children who now receive a healthy and balanced lunch in support of their school day. With much love, we have prepared ourselves to provide the best of services and at the end of the day all children very satisfied and happy.


Thank you GLENCORE

Thank you GLENCORE for your support in the construction of dreams in Colombia, specially from the children of the foundation Mi ciudad con vida, who expressed their most sincere gratitude for believing that through education everything is possible.


Children’s day

In the 2001 through the law 724 of December 27, the Congress of the Republic of Colombia institutionalized the celebration of the Children and recreation day in the country. This with the objective of during the month of April it is possible to advance the awareness of the family, society and the State about their obligation to assist and protect children for guarantee their harmonious and integral development (Congress of the Republic of Colombia, 2001).

In this important day the children enjoyed a Great Values ​​Fair, in which they shared and had fun with all their classmates.


Earth day

We celebrated Earth day to remember that the planet and its ecosystems give us life and sustenance, as the Rio Declaration of 1992 reminded us, of fostering this harmony with nature and Mother Earth. 

This day offers us too the opportunity to raise awareness among all the inhabitants of the planet about the problems that affect the Earth and the different life forms that develop in it. On this day we have the support of the National Police, an environmental protection group who, along with our Environmental Guardians, toured the community carrying messages of protection and care for Mother Earth.