The foundation Mi ciudad con vida was born in 1999 with the interaction of contributing to the integral development of the disfavored community from Barranquilla, interested in promoting the educational development of a group of children and their families living in the neighborhood of Lipaya.

As complement to the scholar routine, starts realizing informal activities with emphasis on values, programm Pisotón and the life project in order to promote and strengthen the development of the personality, affective bonds and quality of life in general of the children, adolescents and their families.

In 2005 through foundation Milenio XXI a socioeconomic study to the population of girls, adolescents and their families was conducted, which yielded information related to basic needs (nutrition, schooling, presence of psychological disabilities at the individual and family levels, housing and learning conditions among others).

In this study there are interesting aspects like early motherhood, irregular feeding, high index of anxiety and depression, physical and auditive disabilities, backwardness and school failure and speech delay, among others.

Based on these results the foundation establishes he objective of setting up strategies that allow it to intervene and monitor physical, psychological, social, family and community rehabilitation for this group of families.

In 2006, through a working day proposed by the creation of  artistic workshops (theater, painting, music) and life project. Work begins with seven groups, which with the help of specialists in these areas a work plan emphasizing values, coexistence and development of occupational activities is designed.

In this process of interaction workshoper-apprentice, the moral and coexistence emotional cognitive difficulties of these groups are manifested, which made the use of the artistic experience a bit easier.

In the middle of the year, a psychologist enters with the purpose of strengthen the link family-foundation. In addition to identify through home visities and schools, aspects of family and school dynamics that could be associated with their behavioral difficulties in school, family and in the complementary day.

This concludes, at the end of this stage, that the intervention should be aimed at preventing and intervening in the problems of learning, family and social coexistence by educating families in particular parents and/or guardian responsible for training in the development of psychological, social, cognitive, moral and cultural skills that allow them to fulfill their role with efficiency.

Likewise, generate training spaces in social skills for children and adolescents that allow the development of a life project framed in educational access and permanence.