
Week of fun and learning

This week, along with the team of environmental guardians, we continued with sessions of preparation, monitoring, and transplanting of seedlings in the garden. In addition, we carried out playful and pedagogical activities led by the youth environmental guardians for our children’s group, strengthening the development of life skills such as empathy and interpersonal relationships.


Great parents workshop

The first Orientation and Awareness Workshop for parents and guardians of our affiliates was held, with the aim of providing various spaces where they could reflect on parenting guidelines and the management of ICT, as well as the importance of recycling and global warming. Additionally, they participated in a healthy cooking workshop, where they learned about the importance of mindful and balanced eating and tasted different recipes.


Community leaders participate in the GenerActor project

Young people from the Leadership project participated in activities of the GenerActor project, an initiative by the European Union and the Barranquilla City Hall aimed at training communities in urban agriculture, sustainability, and social cohesion. In this activity, representatives from the Community Action Board of the area, the Southwest Youth Network, students from the José Raimundo Sojo school, and the Mi Ciudad con Vida Foundation took part.