The impact on the community continues!
This Saturday, the Environmental Guardians in the Lipaya location went out into the community to promote water conservation, offering informative tips and explaining the importance of this for everyone.
This Saturday, the Environmental Guardians in the Lipaya location went out into the community to promote water conservation, offering informative tips and explaining the importance of this for everyone.
This Saturday the youth group in the Barranquilla location engaged in activities to develop strategies that encouraged conflict resolution as a way to promote respect and healthy coexistence among the teenagers. This, along with activities in the psychos ...
La Fundación Mi Ciudad con Vida, creada en el año 2000, es una organización privada e independiente, sin ánimo de lucro. Colombia es un país asolado por la violencia. La crisis social, económica y política se traduce en un nivel muy alto de pobreza extrema . Los niños y los jóvenes son los más afectados por este fenómeno.
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