Welcome to the dining room!
This week we have started our meal service sessions. We welcomed our children with a delicious menu and offered them various recreational and nutritional activities that helped them to strengthen their good eating habits.
This week we have started our meal service sessions. We welcomed our children with a delicious menu and offered them various recreational and nutritional activities that helped them to strengthen their good eating habits.
This 2023, we have started with the socialization of the projects that we will be developing with our beneficiaries and their families throughout the year in Soledad. During the participatory activity, attendees were able to provide valuable contribution ...
La Fundación Mi Ciudad con Vida, creada en el año 2000, es una organización privada e independiente, sin ánimo de lucro. Colombia es un país asolado por la violencia. La crisis social, económica y política se traduce en un nivel muy alto de pobreza extrema . Los niños y los jóvenes son los más afectados por este fenómeno.
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