Plantilla News

Rumba Therapy

One of the main objectives of the Healthy Life at Work program is to develop health promotion and prevention activities through recreational activities and sports days, which in turn allow the integration of the work team and the adoption of a self-care culture. Today it was through Rumba therapy.

Plantilla News

Celebration of Mothers Day in the Centro Comercial Nuestro Atlántico

Mothers’ Day is a special date where we value the heroines of the home who with their effort and dedication make a functioning family life a reality. We therefore celebrated it in a big way in the Centro Comercial Nuestro Atlántico Mall, with our 36 mothers enjoying an afternoon of serenading, flowers, raffles and prizes. An unforgettable event! Thanks to the management and support of the First Lady of Solitude, The Centro Comercial Nuestro Atlántico Mall, and the leaders of the Barrios Manantial and Nuevo Horizonte. Everything is possible with community union.

Plantilla News

Promoting active learning

Learning is a continuous process and goes at different rates in each human being. Therefore it is required to use teaching tools in which students have an active role. Through participation in class children can discover the meaning of learning any subject, especially in the area of mathematics, to identify if they understood the theme that is being taught in class.

Plantilla News

Celebrating Children’s Day with the support of the Soledad Town Hall

The celebration of Children’s Day is an important date to highlight the rights of children. Throughout yesterday we had a beautiful celebration with pintucaritas, trampolines, colouring activities, dancing, contests, games to promote the care of the environment, prizes and refreshments – all with the support of the Municipality of Soledad and the EDUMAS (Establishment of Urban Development and Environment of Soledad) enabling 200 children from the neighbourhood Nuevo Horizonte to enjoy the festivities.