Global warming and native fauna were the topics addressed this week with our boys and girls. Activities such as recognizing endemic species of Colombia, screening documentaries, active participation, and idea generation were conducted. This made the morning of learning very enjoyable.
Participative leadership
This week, young people from the leadership project carried out various recreational activities aimed at strengthening civic participation, taking into account the opinions of team members, which contribute to a higher likelihood of effective and efficient solutions to a specific problem.
Art and nutrition
Throughout the week, the Soledad branch was engaged in artistic and drawing activities focused on nutrition. These activities served an aesthetic purpose, aiming to enhance the enjoyment of the dining experience and encourage the process of adaptation and acceptance of food.
Recreational spaces within the family dynamics.
Within the “Educating at Home” project aimed at parents from the Soledad branch, we carried out activities related to the importance of recreational spaces in family dynamics, conducting some games that parents can replicate at home with their children. These activities promote togetherness, communication, and strengthen emotional bonds.
Forming leaders and transforming lives
Today, we share with you this video, which portrays some of the results of the work we have been doing for over 20 years in the Lipaya community. Thanks to everyone who has made this possible!
Recycling and Learning Session
During this session, the boys and girls from the foundation contributed to environmental conservation. Recycled paper allows giving a second life to this material, primarily composed of cellulose fibers from tree wood. Additionally, they learned about psychoeducational topics such as assertive conflict resolution, cooperative play, and teamwork.
Promoting sustainable development.
This week, at the Soledad headquarters, we had a visit from Nu3, a social organization that works for the socioeconomic, emotional, and nutritional development of families in vulnerable situations. This meeting took place with the aim of getting to know our Nutritional Care Center and exchanging knowledge and technical skills.
Strategies against bullying
A morning of activities was carried out with our children and adolescents. We worked through playful activities in processes against school bullying, taking into account assertive communication, interpersonal relationships, and empathy.
Pedagogical tools that strengthen the training process
The youth participating in the project “Community Leaders of Southwest Barranquilla” have a training manual that includes all the content of the training workshops, presented in a creative and graphic manner, with language adapted to the youth population. This manual incorporates various pedagogical elements that facilitate the development of communication skills and provide comprehensive care pathways to protect human rights and promote civic participation.
Sowing Leaders
In this environmental leaders session, responsibility, teamwork, and perseverance were emphasized. Groups were assigned to plant seeds and maintain the workshop area, as well as to monitor the growing plants. The seeds planted included cilantro, lettuce, bell pepper, and eggplant.