This week we carried out home visits to the new beneficiaries of the Nutritional Care Center in order to verify data and fill out regulatory forms.
Promoting mindful eating
In our Nutritional Care Center we promote conscious eating. This time we did it with a fun crossword contest.
Application of vocational guidance tests to juniors in grade 11
The Higher Education program prepares young people who are about to finish their high school studies through the application of vocational guidance tests so that they can more objectively choose a technical, technological or professional career, taking into account their abilities and preferences. .
“We seek family unity through Bocaditos de Esperanza” (little bites of hope)
Thanks to the contributions of a private company, we had a fun and playful day with a delivery of cookie combos to the children and adolescents of Barranquilla. Our beneficiaries were encouraged to meet with all the members of their family for 10 minutes, talking about a common topic and sharing a delicious snack.
Families had to register this family space with a photograph and share it on our networks.
Emotions to the Limit with Yoga
In order to help our young people to identify, validate, manage and process their emotions, we have continued with the yoga classes.
Today our central theme in this process erre the basic asanas, which are a set of postures that facilitate us to achieve a higher state of consciousness, and help us unite the body and mind through breathing and movement.
When breathing and movement are coordinated, our mind carefully follows their union, making all of this a conscious and present process.
Workshops educating at home in Barranquilla
This week, the presentation for the home schooling workshop was held in Barranquilla. These activities will be developed every fifteen days with parents.
Welcome and induction to new beneficiary families of the Soledad Headquarters
Today we welcomed the new families that will be part of the Food security project and provided them with all the information about the Foundation and they signed acts of commitment.
First workshop of education at home the project for the Soledad site.
Training workshops for parents who are part of the project educating at home project began this week and the children received their school kits.
Dynamic families and Gardens with Love are two of the flagship projects of this 2021 for our community of beneficiaries. As well as food security, there is also the active participation of at least one of the family members who seeks to generate income and self support through different entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship strategies
Permanent accompaniment to families
The psychosocial support program makes home visits to identify risk situations for the students.
In addition, guidance is provided through the psychological care line and WhatsApp groups.