The school accompaniment program comes to Soledad as a response to the educational needs of our children, providing complementary support after school.
Nutritional monitoring
We resumed our activities by monitoring the nutrition of the children who were underweight in 2019 and signed an act of commitment with their parents about the diet which they should follow at home in order to reach the goal of a healthy weight.
Welcome parents to the nutritional workshop 2020
We started activities by welcoming parents and discussed the rights and duties of the beneficiaries, we established commitments and updated data. We also had a nutritional workshop on shakes that are a good option for the children’s snack at home .
Celebration day
This week we resumed our usual dining activities with a beautiful and emotional celebration of the birthdays of June and July.
Creative cooking
During the holiday we wanted to highlight activities where children could develop creativity, experiencing flavours, colours and texture of certain foods. It was a really fun session where the true stars were our little chefs.
Game of values and picnic to share
Today we got dressed to have a fun game of football to highlight the importance of fair play. We then closed the day with a picnic where we shared some delicious snacks.
Brain training games
Our morning was dedicated to cognitive tasks through participation games such as: search for intruders, riddles and time to fish.
Multi sensory adventure with slime!
This morning was charged with fun and play as all of the children made their own elastic jelly, where they had the opportunity to experience combinations of colours, textures, sizes and densities.
Sweeten and undertake
This week we conducted a theoretical and practical workshop of homemade desserts, for those parents who want to surprise their children with a delicious snack – as well as exploring the business idea for the people who work from home and thus can generate income for their family.
Sensory ideas that stimulate the palate
With a fun game called “fortune-teller guess what food tests today” we conducted a contest that consisted of blindfolding the child who had to then guess the name of the food just by trying it. A creative way for children to dare to explore new flavours and textures.