
The Friendship Journey

In the Soledad branch, this week we carried out the “Friendship Journey,” conducting various activities that promote the value of friendship and create spaces of joy, fun, happiness, and enthusiasm. All the participants wrote messages to their best friends through an imaginary mailbox and placed them in a mailbox for everyone to read. They also took photos with their best friends and shared some meaningful details.

Providing them with these types of experiences strengthens their self-esteem and teaches them that, no matter where we are, there will always be a moment to share and highlight the qualities that make our fellow companions fabulous people.


Pedagogical tools that strengthen the training process

The youth participating in the project “Community Leaders of Southwest Barranquilla” have a training manual that includes all the content of the training workshops, presented in a creative and graphic manner, with language adapted to the youth population. This manual incorporates various pedagogical elements that facilitate the development of communication skills and provide comprehensive care pathways to protect human rights and promote civic participation.