
Educational field trip to Ranch Texas!

This Saturday, the beneficiaries of the Barranquilla Branch enjoyed an educational outing to the Ranch Texas Equestrian Theme Park. The children and adolescents had a different, pleasant and fun day where they could play, share with friends, enjoy the green areas and have contact with animals such as horses, ponies, fish and more. In this way, we promote healthy recreation and the strengthening of social skills.


We promote education

In our Barranquilla location we have achieved a link with the Learning Service (SENA), aiming to dictate the Hygiene & Food Handling in-person course within the installations of our foundation. This course is aimed to reach the community of the Lipaya neighbourhood (Barrio Lipaya), it is actually a very relevant topic for the neighbourhood needs, due to the fact that many mothers have food businesses or work in the food industry. Being trained and certified will increase their chances of getting a job, improve their income and enrich their knowledge.

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Love & Friendship Day in Lipaya

This Saturday we celebrated Love & Friendship Day in our Barranquilla location with our beneficiaries, through a series of activities like fun dynamics, dancing contests and a magic show. Boys, girls and teens enjoyed this very special day. These activities are important for the development of fraternity, harmony, developing social skills, fostering a healthy coexistence, recreation and the creation of bonds of love.


Visit our community entrepreneurs

This Thursday we carried out visits to the entrepreneurs of our community of Barrio Lipaya, who participated previously in the activities of our Productive Units project. In this manner, a follow-up is carried out in order to know the conditions of the enterprises, the organizational, technological and occupational characteristics of the business units and the impact of the project on the businesses of the entrepreneurs.


This is how we ended our Vocational Guidance activities this 202

All year long the Higher Education program has been performing a series of diverse activities focused on reinforcing life projects upon vocational guidance, with the goal that our beneficiaries can finish their secondary education and enter higher education, and thus improve their quality of life.
This time we were present at the “Proyéctate” 2022 fair, the most important academic orientation event in the Colombian Caribbean, during the tour the teens took a virtual vocational orientation test, participated in the experiential zones, attended a motivational talk, received information about the options of scholarships and financing from different universities and training centers in the city.


Healthy mind, healthy body

This Saturday in our Barranquilla location, the girls and boys of the Teenage Group participated in an activity that promotes a healthy lifestyle, in which they performed a series of different exercises that included; stretching, strength, resistance and coordination, in addition to a dance therapy session (rumbaterapia). These activities are relevant because they promote social and emotional learning for the creation of healthy lifestyles.