Plantilla News (2021_01_07 04_38_09 UTC) copy

Vocational guidance activity in partnership with the Universidad de la Costa

From the Educational Articulation program, we are working to ensure that the beneficiaries who are in the last year of secondary school receive the necessary guidance on the different technical, professional and technological careers, in addition to the different types of scholarships that are handled in different institutions of higher education.
This time, we have the support of the Universidad de la Costa, who are working with us virtually to solve any problems and answer any questions.

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“We seek family unity through Bocaditos de Esperanza” (little bites of hope)

Thanks to the contributions of a private company, we had a fun and playful day with a delivery of cookie combos to the children and adolescents of Barranquilla. Our beneficiaries were encouraged to meet with all the members of their family for 10 minutes, talking about a common topic and sharing a delicious snack.

Families had to register this family space with a photograph and share it on our networks.

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Emotions to the Limit with Yoga

In order to help our young people to identify, validate, manage and process their emotions, we have continued with the yoga classes.

Today our central theme in this process erre the basic asanas, which are a set of postures that facilitate us to achieve a higher state of consciousness, and help us unite the body and mind through breathing and movement.

When breathing and movement are coordinated, our mind carefully follows their union, making all of this a conscious and present process.