With Bingo of Love, the Foundation celebrated the Day of Love and Friendship. We used the bingo to promote and reinforce in the children the GOOD TREATMENT, which must be a constant in our living. The activity took place between games, prizes and messages alluding to the date. We are filled with love and friendship.
Ecological walk
The Foundation’s Healthy Life program toured the Luriza protected area, located in the municipality of Usiacurí, where we immersed ourselves in the flora and fauna, breathed fresh air and exercised. What an excellent tour
Painting our values
With drawings alluding to values, the children of the group “Los Leones” painted the most significant values for each of them; among them, love, companionship, friendship and tolerance. In this way, we are encouraging children to discover better ways to relate to their surroundings.
I express myself with a story
Using the story as an instrument, an exercise was carried out to recognise the emotions that affect our children. Each child of the group “Los Angeles” expressed emotions with a colour, where joy was represented with yellow, sadness with blue, anger with red, fear with black, calm, peace and tranquility with green. The objective of the activity sought that the children could know the ways in which they would react to these emotions.
Sowing values for life
The environmental guardians group used the polyculture and plant transplant to create a natural environment, where the children could interact with nature, creating values and respect for it.
Visiting the elderly
Today we visited the centre of life that supports the elders of the Lipaya neighbourhood. We gave them a morning full of joy with lots of activities whose central theme was to remind everyone that although we grow old, we never stop being children
Today we had a special visit by PROFAMILIA and their program for the prevention of pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. It is specifically designed for young people and has various recreational activities and the presentation of an educational booklet.
Creative ideas for the new logo
Taking into account how the foundation has impacted their lives and the community, the youth group were developing creative ideas for the new logo in the company of Designer Gabriel Guillén.
Restarting activities
With music, recreational activities and refreshments, the My City with Life Foundation began the activities of the second semester. The children enjoyed the day which was framed with the celebration of July 20. Everyone wore yellow, celebrating our independence and return to activities.
Restarting activities with lots of energy
Energy fizzed in the Foundation! We started our team meeting with a rumbaterapia and everyone participated in our healthy life program. Creativity, commitment and dedication were present at all times. Go team!