Plantilla News

A sweet tradition

The Sweet Festival is an Afro-Colombian tradition whose origins lie in the 16th century in one of the oldest Cartagenero towns, San Bacilio de Palenque. Since Easter, families, friends and neighbours gathered to prepare and eat sweets. For this reason, today we had our first sweet festival! Made with the love of our children’s mothers for all the children in the dining room, who enjoyed these delicious and sweet experiences.

Plantilla News

Application of Vocational Guidance Instruments to new graduates

When young people think about which career to choose, they often fall into the indecision about what will be the best direction to take. The Foundation provides a Vocational Guidance service that includes a psychological test where the counsellor looks at the student’s profile corresponding to their abilities and interests. This service is provided to children who are in 11th grade and those who have finished high school and are still unclear about what they want to do.

Plantilla News

World Health Day

According to the World Health Organisation, health is the complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing, so we took advantage of the date to examine the habits that we should acquire. Throughout the week, we put emphasis on play-learn activities emphasising the importance of maintaining a healthy diet with an area that we called nutritional space where the children were questioned about their favourite fruit or vegetable and the benefits they bring to our health. Likewise, we used the space for some physical exercise with a Rumbatherapy session.

Plantilla News

Community Work Strengthens the School Support Program

When you give a little of what you receive, you demonstrate your human quality and social commitment. Therefore, we want to highlight the work of Brainer, who belongs to the Graduates program and is currently in the ninth semester of civil engineering. He improves mathematical competences for high school children through complementary workshops. Three of the youth group who chose the Foundation to do their 80 hours of literacy join this fantastic task, showing example of personal improvement to their peers.