Productive Families Shine at the Tajamares Fair

The beneficiaries of the Foundation’s “Productive and Inclusive Families” project successfully participated in the Tajamares Entrepreneurship Fair. This event provided a platform for entrepreneurial families to present their products and services to the community, highlighting their creativity and business skills. Their participation strengthened their sense of belonging and community commitment, generating additional income and reaffirming the foundation’s support for inclusion and economic empowerment. We congratulate all participants for their effort and dedication!


First Athletics Festival at Lipaya Site

This weekend, the Lipaya site celebrated a vibrant Athletics Festival, where children of all ages enthusiastically participated in various competitions. The event stood out for its festive atmosphere and competitive spirit, featuring different race categories. The active involvement of children and the community bolstered the festival’s success, promoting physical activity and sports while reinforcing values such as teamwork and perseverance.


Environmental Guardians Explore the Biodiversity of Our Region

The Environmental Guardians had an enriching educational experience this week by visiting the butterfly garden. Guided by experts, they explored various species of butterflies and other insects, observing their life cycles and behaviors. The activity not only allowed them to appreciate the beauty of these creatures but also to understand their crucial role in our ecosystems. This experience strengthened their commitment to environmental protection and fostered a collaborative learning environment and respect for nature among the participants.


Laughs and Emotions on the Big Screen

Our beneficiaries enjoyed an exciting movie day this week, where they relaxed and watched a fun and enriching film. The activity included a delicious snack, creating an even more pleasant atmosphere. Participants shared laughs and comments about their favorite scenes, strengthening community bonds and friendships. These recreational activities are key to promoting emotional well-being and a sense of belonging among our beneficiaries, creating unforgettable memories together.


Exploring Emotions

Every Saturday, upon arrival, our children from the Travelers group engage in an exciting and fun activity to recognize their emotions. Guided by our facilitators, they explore how they feel and learn to identify and manage their emotions positively. This practice not only strengthens their emotional intelligence but also creates a conducive environment for learning and harmonious interaction among the participants.


The group “Alegría” builds bonds of empathy and creativity.

Our beneficiaries from the “Alegría” group participated in an exciting activity of empathy and collaborative work. During the activity, the children learned through mutual support, creating creative bags made by themselves. This experience not only fostered creativity but also teamwork and solidarity among the participants. It was a day full of learning and fun!