Academic Visits Day

This week, at the Lipaya site, we visited the schools of our beneficiaries to verify their attendance and identify potential risk factors that could lead to school dropout. These activities allow us to intervene preventively, offering timely support and solutions to ensure that students can continue their education. During the visits, we met with teachers and administrators to discuss the academic performance and well-being of the beneficiaries.


Beach cleaning day in Barranquilla

This Wednesday, on World Environment Day, the group “Guardianes Ambientales” carried out a successful beach cleaning day in Barranquilla. These young leaders participated enthusiastically, collecting waste to conserve the environment and promote ecological responsibility. Equipped with gloves and bags, they managed to remove a significant amount of trash, including plastics and glass, thereby contributing to the protection of marine life and the coastal ecosystem.


Comprehensive health session at Lipaya headquarters

This weekend, the Foundation organized a successful comprehensive health day aimed at children and their families. During the event, medical and dental evaluations, as well as vaccinations, were carried out, providing specialized care and personalized advice to enhance the health and well-being of attendees. Participants also enjoyed a supportive and welcoming environment, reinforcing the importance of health care within the community. The Foundation remains committed to promoting the overall well-being of beneficiary families.


Community leaders in recreational and training spaces

This week, the kids from the Community Leaders group held a recreational activity at the cinema, where they had the opportunity to strengthen group cohesion and teamwork in diverse environments. They were also invited to a training session organized by the Casa de la Mujer and the Women’s Network of the Atlantic to learn more about gender-based violence and sexual and reproductive rights.


Goals With Purpose

This Saturday, the children from the “Healthy Life” group participated in a sports activity aimed at promoting essential values such as respect, tolerance, and teamwork. Through various dynamics and games, emphasis was placed on using key words so that the children understood the importance of expressing gratitude, asking for things kindly, seeking permission, and offering apologies. By the end of the event, the participants not only demonstrated their sports skills but also showed a better understanding and practice of these fundamental values, reinforcing the activity’s objective.


Environmental Guardians Visit Mallorquín Marsh

Our Environmental Guardians visited the Mallorquín Marsh Ecopark. During this outing, various activities focused on preserving and caring for the marsh ecosystem were carried out. Participants had the opportunity to learn about the area’s biodiversity and engage in educational activities with park visitors. This experience not only contributed to the well-being of the environment but also strengthened our guardians’ commitment to protecting our natural resources.