Plantilla News

Ecology walk

Continuing with its healthy life program, the work team of the foundation organised an ecological walk to the Morro, a sacred place of the indigenous Mocana people, located in the municipality of Tubara, Atlántico. During the day we could breathe pure air and really enjoy the nature. The teams from both Lipaya and Soledad remain fully committed to the goal of maintaining healthy habits. Let this great experience be repeated. Thanks FMCCV

Plantilla News

Looking after our beaches

Early on, the doors of the foundation were opened to start the flea market organised by the youth group. The local community was able to acquire various useful objects for their family at very comfortable prices, among which we had mattresses, cars and walkers to name but a few. The day passed between music, animation and sale. Thank you, the FMCCV family for supporting all of our projects. Always thinking about the preservation of the environment, the environmental guardians group and the warriors, in association with the triple AAA, went to the beaches of Salgar, where they organised a day of picking up rubbish and plastic. Always sending the message of commitment about the environment.

Plantilla News

Mother’s day celebration

The Mothers’ Day celebration in Lipaya was a huge success with more than 50 people in attendance. With contests, serenades and comedy, the mothers who attended had the most fun, laughing and dancing. Once again the workshop groups brought out the best in organisation and the happy faces of the mothers was the prize!

Plantilla News

Celebration of Mothers Day in the Centro Comercial Nuestro Atlántico

Mothers’ Day is a special date where we value the heroines of the home who with their effort and dedication make a functioning family life a reality. We therefore celebrated it in a big way in the Centro Comercial Nuestro Atlántico Mall, with our 36 mothers enjoying an afternoon of serenading, flowers, raffles and prizes. An unforgettable event! Thanks to the management and support of the First Lady of Solitude, The Centro Comercial Nuestro Atlántico Mall, and the leaders of the Barrios Manantial and Nuevo Horizonte. Everything is possible with community union.