
A pleasant visit

Over the past few weeks, the director of the Foundation was visiting our site and observing the different projects that are carried out in them, joining in with the children during the activities, along with generous guests, who donated Kindle Paperwhite Kids that include access to thousands of books. We are grateful that these tools will be key to strengthening the reading skills of the beneficiaries.

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Let’s learn values

This Saturday, the teachers of the Home Gardens project at the Lipaya site taught the beneficiaries of the Foundation the importance of values such as respect, tolerance and teamwork through the preparation of posters made with recycled cardboard, and in this way promote a climate of harmony and better coexistence both in the Foundation and in society.

Plantilla News (2021_01_07 04_38_09 UTC)

We resume the school of parents in Barranquilla

This Wednesday we resume the activities of the Educando en Casa project, at the Barranquilla Headquarters. The parents of the beneficiaries attended these activities in which the issues related to the distribution of tasks in the home, and the resolution of family conflicts were addressed. This project is important for a comprehensive intervention because the family is fundamental in the healthy development of children.


First Day of Vocational Orientation

This week at the Barranquilla Headquarters we had our first day of Vocational Orientation, aimed to young beneficiaries who are in their last year of secondary school. A scale of vocational preferences was applied to promote the construction of a life project and that our beneficiaries take into account their skills, interests, and aptitudes when choosing a technical,  technological, or professional carrer.


Our Classroom Workshop grows!

At the Barranquilla headquarters, the beneficiaries involved in the Huertas project begin to transplant  lettuce, tomato, radish plants, and other plants from the seedbeds into the soil and portable orchards. The classroom workshop begins to germinate and grow. Young people with gardens at home carry out the same activities in their yards. During these activities, children not only promote environmental support, but also encourage socialization, teamwork, and creativity.


Environmental guardians in the Botanical Garden

This Saturday the boys and girls of the Environmental Guardians project of the Lipaya Headquarters had a pedagogical visit to the Botanical Garden of Barranquilla. During this day the beneficiaries made a tour where they met different species of plants and carried out recreational activities in the green spaces of the garden. Promoting these activities encourages children to raise environmental awareness.


Prevention activities with the Childhood and Adolescence Police

This week at the Soledad headquarters, we had as special guests officials of the Police of Childhood and Adolescence, with the aim of presenting and developing recreational activities related to the protection of children. Through the program “Open your Eyes”, children, girls, and adolescents from all over the country learn the existing care routes can be activated in case they find themselves in a situation of vulnerability.