In the Soledad location we taught the boys and girls of the Food & Health program about the food groups through an educational roulette. This was a practical and fun activity that involved having them spin the roulette and call out a food that belonged to the corresponding group. As they played, the children learned about the importance of including foods from each group in one’s daily meals, keeping in mind the portion size relative to age in order to maintain a balanced diet.
Community campaign for the prevention of Dengue
Through an informative campaign this Saturday, the Environmental Guardians group walked throughout the streets of the Lipaya neighborhood to promote the prevention of Dengue, explaining what it is, how it is transmitted, and how to prevent it. This way, aside from sharing an important message, the children strengthened their assertive communication, teamwork and confidence.
Play on words with a focus on healthy nutrition
This week in the Soledad location we carried out our nutritional activity through a fun word game where the children had to create words in the least amount of time possible. Through these activities the children not only learn about healthy nutrition, but they also develop their language skills like writing and spelling.
Let’s Dance!
This Saturday the youngest kids at the Fund’s Barranquilla location enjoyed a fun and entertaining dance class. These types of activities help the kids develop confidence, spontaneity, memory, coordination, and self-knowledge. Also, through dance they can channel their emotions and exercise their bodies.
Environmental Guardians learning
This week, the group of participants from the ‘Environmental Guardians’ project in Lipaya learned about tropical diseases like Dengue. They learned to identify the characteristics of the mosquitos that can transmit this disease, how to prevent their reproduction, and the symptoms Dengue can cause.

Preparing our own homemade salads
This Saturday during the nutrition and healthy habits activity, the young participants explained the components and benefits of the vegetables and prepared a salad using ingredients from the Fund’s community vegetable garden. These activities promote conscious eating habits in both young children and adolescents, as well as demonstrate the benefits of cultivating vegetables for personal consumption.

The importance of sustainable and healthy eating habits
In the most recent Nutrition Workshop for parents, we made two delicious recipes that highlight the benefits of chickpeas, a protein that helps with healthy bones and muscles, and eggplant, which supports good eyesight if eaten frequently. These workshops promote sustainable and healthy eating habits based on the consumption of vegetable proteins and a variety of unprocessed or minimally processed foods, all of which help maintain good health.

Dealing with emotions in our daily lives
The ‘Learning at Home’ workshops this month focused on dealing with emotions in daily situations using an activity called The Movie of My Life, in which groups created several everyday situations that one might face at home. Then, we came up with suggestions and relaxation techniques to reduce tension and return to a state of calm.

Recycled Materas
This week the children and young people who participated in the Community Vegetable Garden project in Lipaya developed their creativity and artistic abilities by creating their pots with recycled plastic bottles. These pots will each have a plant from the vegetable garden, and will be sold to the public in Barranquilla to fund an educational field trip for the children.

The journey that food makes through our body
At the Soledad site we continue with our healthy eating mission, promoting it through different activities that strengthen the adaptation and consumption of foods rich in vitamins and minerals that keep our physical health stable. This week we worked on the digestive system, making a visual representation, and explaining the journey that food makes through each organ with an illustrative sheet that the children were able to decipher and put together.