This week, from the Community Leaders project, working groups were formed for the development of community proposals. This activity is part of an educational exercise that allows young people to put into practice what they have learned during the training process and to propose strategies to solve the issues they have encountered within their community.
Meetings with allied entities
Meetings are being held this week with allied entities from the psychosocial support program to renew legal requirements and learn about strategic plans for community work in 2024.
Public Policies and Social Programs for Youth in Colombia
Within the training workshops developed by the Community Leaders project, there is a recognition of public policies and social programs aimed at fulfilling the fundamental rights of youth in our country. The objective is to encourage their democratic participation to improve them every day.
Construction of the 2024 Work Plan at the Soledad Headquarters
Since this week, the working group at the Soledad headquarters has been organizing the strategic planning of activities and important aspects for the construction of the 2024 work plan.
Youth Participation in Identifying Community Issues
This week, young people from the Community Leaders project shared the findings discovered in their community with an objective and practical vision to identify how the issues develop and who are the most affected.
Our Christmas campaign reaches San Jacinto, Bolívar.
The Mi Ciudad con Vida Foundation, in its campaign “Uniting Hearts at Christmas,” reaches 100 children from the municipality of San Jacinto, Bolívar, located in the Montes de María, filling these children’s hearts with joy, generosity, and much love. The solidarity of all the people who joined the campaign allows us to see the reflection of Christmas values in our communities.
Gift delivery in Soledad with the support of the company Totto
The “Mi Ciudad con Vida” Foundation and the company Totto, through the Christmas campaign “Love is Sharing”, delivered Christmas gifts and a snack to 60 children from the community, who enjoyed a morning full of joy, games, and smiles.
Uniting Hearts at Christmas arrives in Cabica
The Mi Ciudad con Vida Foundation lights up Christmas for 150 boys and girls from Cabica, sowing joy and hope in this community. The faces of these little ones show us the wonderful and generous nature of their hearts. We thank this community for coming together as volunteers, supporting the logistics of the event, and showing solidarity with its children.
End-of-year closure “Uniting Hearts at Christmas”
Today, the closure of the projects took place through the grand celebration “Uniting Hearts at Christmas”. Our boys and girls from Barranquilla and Soledad surprised relatives and the attending audience with beautiful presentations of singing, dancing, theater, and art, all based on the values and skills developed in the projects, creating a space of love, companionship, reflection, and family unity. During this event, we had the support of Noticias Caracol and Pepeganga, who also provided moments of great joy.
Preparation of cultural display
With much joy, excitement, and enthusiasm, our children from the Children’s Guardians group are preparing a beautiful presentation as a cultural showcase of the Colombian Caribbean. This type of activity promotes cultural appreciation and love for their roots, which will undoubtedly be a great performance at our closing celebration.