All year long the Higher Education program has been performing a series of diverse activities focused on reinforcing life projects upon vocational guidance, with the goal that our beneficiaries can finish their secondary education and enter higher education, and thus improve their quality of life.
This time we were present at the “Proyéctate” 2022 fair, the most important academic orientation event in the Colombian Caribbean, during the tour the teens took a virtual vocational orientation test, participated in the experiential zones, attended a motivational talk, received information about the options of scholarships and financing from different universities and training centers in the city.
Healthy mind, healthy body
This Saturday in our Barranquilla location, the girls and boys of the Teenage Group participated in an activity that promotes a healthy lifestyle, in which they performed a series of different exercises that included; stretching, strength, resistance and coordination, in addition to a dance therapy session (rumbaterapia). These activities are relevant because they promote social and emotional learning for the creation of healthy lifestyles.
Let’s learn with fruits and vegetables
This week in our Soledad location, our nutritional activity had a different focus; we reinforced mathematical competences through fruits and vegetables, with the goal that our beneficiaries familiarize with these foods and at the same time they can strengthen their counting and categorization abilities with elements from everyday life.
Learning with the Civil Defense
This saturday a member of the civil defense volunteered and carried out a special training for our Teenage Group in our Lipaya location (Barranquilla). The training consisted in the learning of first aid, disaster risk management and social action. These activities are relevant for young people to learn and be motivated to contribute to the safety, well-being and quality of life of the population and their own community
Contributing to Food & Health
The Mi Ciudad con Vida Foundation at the Barranquilla location has been offering much-needed support to the children and families with significant economic and health difficulties as part of the Psychosocial program. Through the delivery of groceries we contribute to Food & Health and in this way hope to decrease malnutrition within the community.
Getting on the Food Train
In the cafeteria of the Soledad location, we continued reinforcing the food groups, but this time we used a train activity, in which the children had the opportunity to choose their favorite food and go through the seven wagons that made up the train, finding proteins, carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, dairy and sugar. With these types of activities we seek to familiarize the children participating in the Food & Health project with the different types of foods and their nutritional benefits in order to strengthen healthy eating habits.
A Workshop for Parents
We have continued working on the activities from the Educating at Home project with families at the Lipaya location. This time we started with the activities from module 5, which are aimed at psychosocial development. Throughout the workshop, we focused on the identification of emotions, emotional expression and management of emotions, as well as strategies to communicate assertively. These activities are important and can have a lasting impact on the families of the children, offering them strategies and knowledge in order to promote a healthy home environment.
The Importance of Punctuality
Every Saturday at the Barranquilla location, the first activity with the children is focused on educating them on the importance of punctuality through interactive activities and games. In this way, we promote values such as responsibility, respect, commitment, and the development of healthy habits that allow them to arrive on time. We also make sure to give a shout out to the first children who arrive on time at 8:00am, when the day’s activities begin.
This Saturday we received a visit from a young adult member of the RED JOVEN PROFAMILIA program, and we developed activities with the goal of defending and promoting Sexual and Reproductive Rights among the children in the Barranquilla location. These lessons are important to encourage awareness, sex education and the use of contraceptives, aside from preventing teenage pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
Root-to-Stem Cooking Habits
This week in the Soledad location, we worked with the families involved in the Food & Health project on reducing waste in the kitchen by using scraps, peels and seeds, checking our pantry, monitoring the state of our foods, keeping expiration and best by dates in mind in order to get the most nutrients possible out of our food.
At the end of the workshop we chose a few vegetables that are almost always in the pantry to make a salad using these root-to-stem cooking tips, counting on the participation of the parents in the preparation process.