
Share to learn

Cooperative learning is an innovative and creative part of the school support where the real protagonists are the children and the teaching sheets allow us to leave the traditional schemes to become an attractive alternative when addressing school issues in everyday life. Cooperation and guided participation are necessary to achieve this aim.

Plantilla News

Great group dynamics

Energy, teamwork, integration and respect were the objectives set by the Foundation for the development of its activities. Using the game as an instrument, we achieved what was planned and each team gave their very best for the development of these activities. Congratulations to the guys. This is how a workshop is done!


Nutritional workshop. Quinoa, the cereal rich in goodness

One of our goals is to promote healthy eating habits in the children and their families, so we developed a theoretical and practical workshop in which the parents would have the opportunity to understand the benefits of Quinoa as well as the various methods we can use to bring this fantastic cereal to our tables. Also, they took home the first recipe of the book that we will create month by month.

Plantilla News

Take care of your environment

The Environmental Guardians of the Foundation helped the children create notices with messages alluding to the care of our environment, made entirely by the children who worked creatively with colors, paint and wooden boards. It was a day of camaraderie, delivery and teamwork. Good for the environmental guardians!