This week in our Soledad location, our nutritional activity had a different focus; we reinforced mathematical competences through fruits and vegetables, with the goal that our beneficiaries familiarize with these foods and at the same time they can strengthen their counting and categorization abilities with elements from everyday life.
Getting on the Food Train
In the cafeteria of the Soledad location, we continued reinforcing the food groups, but this time we used a train activity, in which the children had the opportunity to choose their favorite food and go through the seven wagons that made up the train, finding proteins, carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, dairy and sugar. With these types of activities we seek to familiarize the children participating in the Food & Health project with the different types of foods and their nutritional benefits in order to strengthen healthy eating habits.
Root-to-Stem Cooking Habits
This week in the Soledad location, we worked with the families involved in the Food & Health project on reducing waste in the kitchen by using scraps, peels and seeds, checking our pantry, monitoring the state of our foods, keeping expiration and best by dates in mind in order to get the most nutrients possible out of our food.
At the end of the workshop we chose a few vegetables that are almost always in the pantry to make a salad using these root-to-stem cooking tips, counting on the participation of the parents in the preparation process.
Learning to Resolve Conflicts through Assertive Communication
This Thursday in the Soledad location, we developed the Educating at Home project with the parents, where we tackled possible conflict situations within the family dynamic and how to resolve them using assertive communication. Then, towards the end of the workshop we did a communication exercise with the whole group.
Food roulette
In the Soledad location we taught the boys and girls of the Food & Health program about the food groups through an educational roulette. This was a practical and fun activity that involved having them spin the roulette and call out a food that belonged to the corresponding group. As they played, the children learned about the importance of including foods from each group in one’s daily meals, keeping in mind the portion size relative to age in order to maintain a balanced diet.
Play on words with a focus on healthy nutrition
This week in the Soledad location we carried out our nutritional activity through a fun word game where the children had to create words in the least amount of time possible. Through these activities the children not only learn about healthy nutrition, but they also develop their language skills like writing and spelling.
The importance of sustainable and healthy eating habits
In the most recent Nutrition Workshop for parents, we made two delicious recipes that highlight the benefits of chickpeas, a protein that helps with healthy bones and muscles, and eggplant, which supports good eyesight if eaten frequently. These workshops promote sustainable and healthy eating habits based on the consumption of vegetable proteins and a variety of unprocessed or minimally processed foods, all of which help maintain good health.

Dealing with emotions in our daily lives
The ‘Learning at Home’ workshops this month focused on dealing with emotions in daily situations using an activity called The Movie of My Life, in which groups created several everyday situations that one might face at home. Then, we came up with suggestions and relaxation techniques to reduce tension and return to a state of calm.

The journey that food makes through our body
At the Soledad site we continue with our healthy eating mission, promoting it through different activities that strengthen the adaptation and consumption of foods rich in vitamins and minerals that keep our physical health stable. This week we worked on the digestive system, making a visual representation, and explaining the journey that food makes through each organ with an illustrative sheet that the children were able to decipher and put together.

Training day with Heartland Alliance International
This week at the Soledad site we had an activity with Heartland Alliance International, an organization committed to the social welfare of the communities that live in Latin America and the Caribbean through the promotion of human rights. Parents received training on health and self- care and a biosafety kit with elements for personal care.